Life In A Bottle, LLC
Because you are worth it!!!
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Life In A Bottle, LLC
Because you are worth it!!!
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Fall/Winter Blends
Anti-Inflammation, Carrot Zinger, Immunity, Kale-Aid, Pot Shot, Tropical Delight
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Drinking Life In A Bottle 100% natural vegetables, fruits, and spices juices have many advantages:
Life In A Bottle 100% Natural Delicious Juices are: <br>Nutrient-rich - Freshly squeezed or pressed juices made from vegetables, fruits, and spices are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They provide a concentrated source of nutrients that can support overall health and help meet your daily requirements.<br>Hydration - All of the Juices can help keep you hydrated and staying properly hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation.<br>Digestive health - Certain juices, particularly those made from vegetables, can support digestive health. They contain enzymes and natural compounds that aid in digestion, promote regular bowel movements, and may help alleviate digestive issues like constipation.<br>Antioxidant support - Our juices are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Antioxidants have been associated with reducing the risk of chronic diseases, supporting a healthy immune system, and slowing down the aging process.<br>
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Anti-Inflammatory Delicious pineapple and mango blend 12 oz of goodness!
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Carrot Zinger 100% Naturally Sweet, Healthy and Delicious Life In A Bottle 12oz
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Immune Booster is a delicious naturally sweet and tangy blend of oranges, apples and lemons
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Kale-Aid Our 100% Fresh, Locally Grown, Natural & Healthy Winter/Spring Seasonal Blend 12oz
Nutrient powerhouse: The ingredients in KaleAid are all nutrient-dense ingredients. This juice blend provides a concentrated source of vitamins (such as A, C, and K), minerals (including potassium and magnesium), antioxidants, and dietary fiber.<br>Antioxidant-rich: KaleAid provides a variety of antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress and free radicals. Antioxidants support overall health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and contribute to a healthy immune system.<br>Anti-Aging -Slows down the aging process, Combats Heart Disease, Fights Cancer, Protects Eyes, Helps to prevent Cataracts, Detox, Rich in Calcium - Good For Bones because kale even has more calcium than milk does. <br>Weight management: This juice blend is low in calories and rich in fiber, which can help promote feelings of fullness and support weight management goals. Including it as part of a balanced diet can aid in reducing overall calorie intake.<br>
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POT Shot, a Unique Tasting 100% Natural and Inflammation-fighting Life In A Bottle Juice 12oz
Vitamin C boost: Life In A Bottle POT Shots are excellent sources of vitamin C and an enzyme called bromelain, which can aid digestion by breaking down proteins. Consuming a juice blend made from these fruits can provide a significant boost to your vitamin C intake, which plays a vital role in supporting a healthy immune system, collagen synthesis, and antioxidant protection because the ingredients in Life In A Bottle Pot Shots are all rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress.<br>Anti-inflammatory properties: The unique blend in Life In A Bottle POT Shots contains a compound called curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating turmeric into your juice can help reduce inflammation in the body, which may be beneficial for conditions like arthritis, joint pain, and inflammatory bowel diseases.<br>Potential anti-cancer properties: Curcumin, found in turmeric, has been the subject of numerous studies exploring its potential anti-cancer properties. While more research is needed, curcumin has shown promise in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.<br>
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Check out our Spring/Summer line of 100% Natural, Fresh, and Delicious Vegetables, Fruits, Spices Juices
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